Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Beginning of Wisdom

Passage: Psalm 111

If the Old Testament proverbs present the practical wisdom of God’s wisest people, the Psalms provide the theological foundation for that wisdom.  Walter Brueggemann identifies in the Psalms an overview of the order woven through our world and the character of the one who ordered it.  The Psalms argue, again and again, that the heart of wisdom lies in knowing the heart of God the Creator.  Brueggemann writes,
“[The psalms] are expressions of creation faith. They affirm that the world is a well-ordered, reliable, and life-giving system, because God has ordained it that way and continues to preside effectively over the process.  At the same time, there is a profound trust in the daily working of that system and profound gratitude to God for making it so.  Creation here is not a theory about how the world came to be. That is not how the Bible thinks about creation. It is rather an affirmation that God’s faithfulness and goodness are experienced as generosity, continuity, and regularity.  Life is experienced as protected space.  Chaos is not present to us and is not permitted a hearing in this well-ordered world.” (The Message of the Psalms, p.26)

As such, wisdom (from a biblical perspective) is not leveraging one’s strength or savvy to secure the best future for oneself. Instead it is living with a moment-by-moment awareness of one’s dependence on God; and submitting one’s every moment to God’s guidance and God’s provision.  This willingness to depend on God yields two results: first, an abiding sense of peace and gratitude based on the assurance of God’s presence and protection; second, a life focused not on individual priorities (personal prosperity and self-gratification) but on God’s priorities for all of creation.  Brueggemann adds:
“The Psalms assert that the creation finally is committed to and will serve the Creator.  The Psalms thus are anticipatory of what surely will be.  Strangely enough, they may serve as a point of criticism against the status quo, to assert that when the Creator’s way comes to fruition, the inadequate present arrangements will be overcome.” (Psalms, p.28)

The history and trajectory of American culture attests to the fact that a society governed primarily by self-interest eventually frays and unravels.  God persistently corrects his people’s worst instinct – namely, to live primarily for self.  And God compassionately redirects our attention to the needs of our families, communities, cities, and world.  True wisdom aligns our hearts with God's – a God whose priority is reconciliation; redemption; and restoration.  The author of Psalm 111 rightly places wisdom within a life that honors God and embraces God’s objectives.  As the author concludes, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…”

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