Thursday, May 30, 2013

How to Do Justice

This week's Gospel in Life topic is justice.  Tim Keller connects the concept of justice to the Hebrew term shalom.  Rather than limiting shalom to its closest English equivalent, "peace", Keller defines it this way:
Shalom means total flourishing in absolutely every dimension: physically, relationally, socially, and spiritually.  It’s the way things ought to be."
He goes on to say,
“Justice is bringing shalom.  It’s love in action.  And it’s something we owe our neighbor.”
Fair enough.  But how do you take an idea so abstract and sweeping and turn it into something you can do?
Ann Voskamp provides a fantastic starting point.  Please take the time to read her post.

"10 Real Ways You Could Really be the Change in the World" (on

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Redeeming Work

This week our "Gospel in Life" topic is work.  We were created to join God in the eternal task of giving shape, order and beauty to Creation.  The practical trajectory of God's redeeming work is restoring our God-like capacities to create and cultivate, even as God restores Creation itself.  As such, we can offer all our work as a contribution to God's greater work of bringing order and light to chaos and darkness.
For more on the topics of work and rest, check out the following two links.  The first is a sermon by Tim Keller.  The second is a remarkable article about Sabbath rest by a journalist and author named Judith Shulevitz.  It's the best contemporary defense of the ancient practice of Sabbath I've read, and is well worth your time.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Gospel Connections

 Our congregation has spent two weeks discussing the ways authentic Christian community translates into compelling outreach.  In this video Tim Keller explains the two essential components of gospel ministry - that is, "word" and "deed".  It's a great complement to our study, and well worth watching.