Monday, January 4, 2010

Getting Started

This week marks the beginning of our congregation (First CRC of Detroit)'s year-long trek through the entire Bible. This blog has been set up as a companion to our daily readings, and a learning resource for our community. I hope that it will serve us in the following ways:
  • As a place for regular reflection about our One Year Bible devotional readings. I hope to post, at least three times a week, thoughts on one or more of the day’s readings.
  • As a setting to present thoughts and ideas that didn’t make it into Sunday’s sermon. Any given week I study enough material for several hours’ worth of preaching (probably not a direction we want to go…). There are always important thematic threads I simply can’t weave into the week’s sermon; I look forward to periodically exploring these here.
  • As a forum for questions and discussion. As you begin to systematically study the Bible, I look forward to reading and interacting with your observations and questions, too. Please take the opportunity to post comments and questions as they arise during your daily readings.
The title of the blog refers to Jesus' words in Matthew 4:4: We do not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. I pray that your exploration of God's Word will prove to be both a spiritual journey and spiritual nourishment for your journey.

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