Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Passage: Lord's Day 46

The term “Father” has so many connotations. Fathers are providers and comforters. They are protectors and authorities. They are disciplinarians.
“Father” also comes with baggage. Human fathers that were abusive or absent leave cracks in the lenses of our souls through which it’s difficult to render a pure image of what a father should be.

With all this in mind, Jesus deliberately refers to God as “Father”, and invites his disciples to do the same. “When you appeal to God”, he says, “You’re appealing to my Father. But from now on you’re also appealing to yours.” Jesus ushers humanity into a new way of thinking about “father”, and a new way of relating to God.

In his invitation Jesus identifies God as being everything that an earthly father should be - and more. God is provider: he knows what you need and is willing and able to give it. God is comforter: he receives you in your brokenness and welcomes you with open arms. God is protector: he promises that not a hair can fall from your head without his permission. God is authority: he knows his design for Creation and his design for your life; he offers guidance that is trustworthy and true. God is disciplinarian: God interrupts us when we’re on a path that will end in long-term harm and withholds those gifts that threaten to supplant him in our hearts. God is always with us and always for us.

There’s an added dimension: God is our Father in Heaven. God inhabits the space beyond time and space. His perspective is comprehensive and eternal, and his reach is unbounded. There is no limit to the knowledge, wisdom, and resources at God’s disposal. When God promises to guide you in the way everlasting and provide everything you need for body and soul, God is able to follow through like no one else. Trust Jesus’ invitation. And trust the Father into whose family you’ve been irrevocably adopted. He will never let you down.

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