Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Servant of the LORD

Passage: Isaiah 42:1-9

The “Servant of the LORD” is a mysterious figure in the Book of Isaiah. Commentators disagree on the identity of this servant. Some claim that he is an unnamed king of Israel. Some claim that he is one of the prophets – perhaps even Isaiah himself. Others argue that the “Servant of the LORD” is a euphemism for God’s entire chosen people. Most commentators agree that when Isaiah’s words regarding the “Servant of the LORD” are taken as a whole, they describe no single figure found in Hebrew history or literature. Isaiah’s words suggest, perhaps, one who is yet to come.

And Isaiah’s words carry immense promise. The promise is that God will send someone who will bring justice to every corner of the earth. The promise is that this one who has been specially commissioned and sent by God will bring healing; wisdom; freedom; and peace. That he will usher in a new era in which God’s good order will be re-established. That being said, the Servant of the LORD won’t use force – not the violence, coercion and oppression on which human governments rely far too often. He will change the world without raising his voice; without breaking those who are already bruised; without snuffing out those in whom the spark of life barely smolders. He comes to heal the broken; lift the downtrodden; fan into flame those who have all but given up. Wouldn’t it be great if this Servant of the LORD was already here?

1 comment:

  1. Kind of interesting-(the final sentence) Thank you for the blogs.
