Passage: John 17:6-26
John includes a lengthy prayer in his account of the Last Supper. The prayer belongs to Jesus, who prays for the disciples. Jesus knows what’s coming. In the immediate, he will be betrayed by one of the Twelve. He will be arrested and crucified. The disciples will be left reeling in the aftermath. Then, after he rises from the dead, Jesus will return to heaven and they will be left to continue his mission. In their lifetimes they will see their fellow Jews and their Roman occupiers brutally suppress the Christian faith. Ten of the remaining eleven original disciples will be executed for their faith; the last will die in prison. The world will not be kind to any of them.
Yet knowing all this Jesus does not ask for God to rescue his beloved disciples. Jesus prays, “Don’t take them from this world. Only protect them from the evil one.”
It has been God’s plan all along for the disciples to pick up where Jesus leaves off. Jesus’ mission depends on the disciples staying in the world. If God’s primary concern was for the health and safety of Jesus’ closest friends, he would simply jettison them off to a more secure location. But God’s primary concern is that everyone in the world become one of Jesus’ closest friends. The only way this is going to happen is if someone sticks around to tell the world about Jesus. Who better than the disciples? So Jesus prays. Father, keep these ones in the world. But as you do so, keep them from the onslaught of the evil one.
We believe God the Father has answered this prayer. In the face of tremendous adversity Jesus’ disciples told his story. And more and more were added to their numbers. You and I have heard the message and we too are counted among Jesus’ closest friends. When this world is hard on you, remember Jesus’ prayer: Don’t take them away from the world you so love; only protect them from evil. Don’t lose heart. Don’t run away. Stay in the game. We will win this, in the name of our Savior and closest friend.